Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Whoo! Who is pumped?

I bet Amy is. Rockclimbing was fun, was it not? I figured I would post the outline of our game on here... While I retain it all.

So, we have:
Rising water
Waterfall background flowing around rocks
Falls rocks

To dodge the rocks you can swing from side to side, whilst swinging you must have one hand on a wall rock thing at all times. Whilst holding yourself to one side/stationary you must have at least one hand and one foot on a rock to avoid people easily pushing off and swinging from side to side (dirty cheating bastards!).

The water rises, meaning less time to react (possibly varied amounts of rocks too? More movement?) as you get close to the top. You must keep your head above water (possibly allowed a 3 second count underwater because well, people can hold their breath, what if you need to spring up...?).


  1. Not really contributing, but...
    I'm pretty pumped, that was good fun!
    Reckon this is a really good idea.

  2. I like the idea of the rocks becoming more frequent or dropping in arrangements more difficult to dodge as you reach the top. Otherwise it'll get too repetitive, and you don't want people falling asleep by the time they reach the top (in-joke, haha). Anyway, I'm loving the whole idea too, I was telling my friend about it last night and he seemed suprised by how ambitious it was - which is a good thing if we're aiming for the paper.

  3. you can ask the bubble popper team how they borrowed a projector if you need one. don't forget sound effects, and how you support the 'fantasy' element.
    Keep up the good work,

  4. I still say everyone should dress up as ninjas... That would add to an awesome element.

    I am surprising myself at how high we are aiming with no technical knowledge :P we can do it though!
