Monday, March 15, 2010


hey guys, had an idea for a game… but the execution is still a little sketchy

Did anyone ever play the game “helicopter” in primary school?
Basically you swing a long rope in a circle at different heights and everybody has to jump and duck as it swings their way. So if you hit the rope, you’re out.

What I was thinking we could do to mimic the game would be to replace the rope with a laser.
As the laser comes towards the person, they have to duck or jump. If they block the laser’s light, then they’re out. So the last man standing is the winner.
Maybe if we place the laser on a rotating disc or something, it could provide a constantly changing height and direction, increasing the difficulty.

So yeah, let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Trampoline idea: awesome! You can build it today! see also comment on trampoline idea on other team. (attach Wiimote)
    laser idea: also awesome! See last year's project, interview them!
    Try them out to see which is is more fun!
