Friday, May 28, 2010

MX Contacted

Hey guys, if you're still checking this blog, I've contacted the editor of MX via email so fingers crossed they publish us!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pictures from our demo

We need the website and promo pic posted on Floyd's blog. Good work today everyone, we did well!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Waterfall Climber

Okay, I've finished the final version of the flash game component. The player has 100 health, this follows the player around and will go down when the player is underwater or in contact with a rock. A game over screen comes up when the player's health reaches zero and the game resets.

Here it is:

Its pretty kick-ass.

No follow-up from Hardrock

Hey guys, for some reason Hardrock hasn't followed up to tell us if we can use the venue or not. We still need the projector though so we can at least project the animation at RMIT. Anyone heard from Dee? We need a website!

What we need

From the Maths/Physics Blog

* 1 exertion game without a conventional screen CHECK!'s hoping
* 1 website that describes the game and its benefits (example see pacmanhattan)
* 1 video on youtube CHECK!
* promotional photograph (collage)
** 1024x768 landscape
** gametitle
** 1-2 sentences describing how the game works and why we need it
** URL
** team CHECK!
* Promote demo night CHECK!
* Bring cameras etc CHECK!
* Report red dots at end of demo night CHECK!
* Return hardware at end of demo night CHECK!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Video finished and on YouTube

Hey girls... and Nick.

I finished the video, it's short but sweet and it's on youtube. I was actually able to get the aspect ratio and everything right this time!

Check it out here:

Advertise it on Facebook and whatever other networking site you have.

My finished animation which is projected on the wall is here:

We need that website up and running so hopefully we can get in contact with Dee tomorrow... and Amy, if you can get that promo pic done that would be sweet. The other rock climbing place replied to my email and basically said the only time we could do it there would be the same time we are supposed to be presenting our Games Studio games so I thanked them for their time and declined. We'll find out tonight whether or not we can actually set the game up at Hardrock during the exhibition but we should get that projector organised anyway because it'd still be great to show our idea by projecting the animation onto a wall at RMIT. Nick or Belinda, I reckon this is your task! Also, I'm not sure who is organising and setting up the Wiimote/sensors.

Anyway, I'll leave it there for now, see you at uni.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Response from Hardrock

I've finally gotten a response to my email from Hardrock, sadly, the company directors are away somewhere and so we wont be able to know whether or not it will be allowed to use the projector at the rock climbing center until late wednesday. This is very late so in my personal opinion, we should find another rock climbing place, go there will a projector and just try and do it there without permission. If we can get a bit of footage that will be great, that way, if on wednesday afternoon we find out we cannot do it at Hardrock at least we'll have something to show everyone.

Another option is to go to Hardrock without the projector and climb normally, and add in the animation to the video as an overlay afterwards.

Of course, we may still be able to use the projector at Hardrock but we wont find out until the night before.